Billing module is EDI functional and is designed to emulate the
normal daily workflow of a biller, which in turn increases billing
accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. It offers electronic
billing capabilities, aging, outstanding and summary reports,
easy-to-read graphs, tracks insurance claims, patient receipts, a
comprehensive list of financial reports, as well as E&M coding.
Increase efficiency:
Create a Superbill
directly from Visit Note/HER and Check-In/Check-Out modules
Use default CPT codes
to enter charges
Billers choose method
of entry for optimal efficiency from the Charge Posting window,
Multi-Charge Posting window, or Patient Ledger window |
Improve accuracy:
Improved entries with
automated checks for invalid CPT or diagnosis codes per
insurance, checks for billing frequency, authorization
requirements, and duplicate entries
Billers can specify
default modifiers, alternate codes, and Column 19 default values
Faster payment from insurers:
Improve accuracy at
time of charge entry
IMS searches claims
for missing information prior to submission
IMS allows claims to
be sent electronically
Increase collections:
Prevent lost revenues
due to lost charge slips
Track and leave
historical notes for any pending collection follow-ups.
Organize past due
balances in 60-day, 90-day, 120-day or user-specified buckets
Color code status of
collections to allow users to quickly understand collection
Print, Fax, or e-mail
automated collection letters with the click of a button
Print easy-to-read
statements which include detailed information that informs
patients of pending charges.
Assign patient payment
plans easily and quickly