Psychiatry, also called Behavioral Health is the medical specialty that services for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Psychiatric services may be provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis and are performed by a licensed psychiatrist, licensed psychologist or other licensed behavioral health therapist.
Psychiatrists are Medical Doctors who received additional training and serve a supervised residency in their specialty. They may also have additional training in a psychiatric subspecialty, such as child psychiatry or neuropsychiatry. Psychiatrists can prescribe medication, which psychologists cannot do. The American Psychiatric Association categorizes a psychiatrist as a physician who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
Because of the many specialized requirements of this specialty, Synergy Healthcare Solutions provides solutions and services that are specifically designed to suit the unique needs of varied specialties especially in the realm of health information technology that will ensure fast, efficient, reliable and quality delivery of healthcare to valued patients. Along with our intuitive and innovative solutions, we also provide focused customer service to aide you such as training, setup implementation, and technical support because we are ever committed to providing total solutions needed to meet the growing demand of the industry. |