Reports are a cornerstone of practice maintenance, management, overview, and
financial status. With IMS Reports there are over 100 report
options to easily generate summaries or detailed overviews of every
aspect of the medical office operation. Reports can be quickly
customized, generated, and saved for future use with the Report
Builder option.
Reports Preparation and Management provides:
Extensive filtering
and data mining capabilities
On-the-fly report and
template customization with Report Builder
Graphics capabilities
for snapshot overviews
Export capability to
Windows applications or HTML
Quick access to
patient accounts and charts to resolve issues within a few
steps—never losing your place in the process
Report Examples:
Patient visit analysis
by referral, diagnosis, insurance, and more
CPT analysis
Procedure frequency
Patient demographics
Patient primary
Patient graphs
Visit analysis
Pre-day close
Physician comparison
Claims by patient,
provider, or insurance
Revenue reports—both
detailed and summarized
All bills by patient,
provider, referral doctor, insurance, place of service
MIS reports including
rejection summary, no-show appointment count, write-off summary
Multiple financial
reports including non-billable service, fee schedules,
outstanding bill reports, aging bill reports, accounts
receivable, day sheet payment by date, etc.